Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I realize I haven't been on here or posted...But I just haven't had the time. Besides I'm also depressed lately. I have no life.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Day two- baby stuff and pie! ( :

Okay so despite today being uber busy what with running errands and everything I managed to make a pair of matching booties, mittens and a hat for a newborn...PLUS fresh from scratch blueberry pie. So delicious! I got a new pair of circular needles today, 16 inch much shorter and about the size I need for making ALOT of stuff in the round because, come on, double pointed needles why must you exist?!?! BUT I also got some googley eyes for my soot sprites. Hopefully I'll have a bunch of those made up soon. If you don't know what I'm talking about soot sprites are the little soot guys from spirited away, the ones who carry the coal. SO adorable!
My plans for making a mini doll house will be soon on there way hopefully. Once I get some more money, I will start buying the wood (or looking for a doll house kit) and begin the project. My idea is to make a mini doll house, with everything inside being handmade, from phones and furniture out of clay, to clothes, accesories and everything else. ( : I'm super excited about it, can't wait to begin.
Anyway here are some pictures of the knitted items and pie from today ( : yes you may be jealous of the pie, it was delicious!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day one- Girly dog sweater on Franklin

I am now on a mission to knit one thing(small) everyday, while turning out one bigger thing every week. I want to see just how much I can do. Today I have made a dog sweater for the first time, interesting but i dont have a dog to show off on so my teddy bear Franklin will have to suck it up and model it for me. The design itself is pretty simple, it's made in two pieces and sewn up. I think it looks weird but who knows maybe someone out there will like it. ( :

Well putting it on Franklin definetly tested out my seaming skills I didn't think it would hold but it did ( : I'm happy